[Storage-research-list] Fwd: Computer Journal CFP

McClelland, Meghan W meghan at lanl.gov
Tue Feb 21 18:41:01 EST 2012

Begin forwarded message:

From: PMBS11 <pmbs11 at easychair.org<mailto:pmbs11 at easychair.org>>
Date: February 21, 2012 3:13:24 PM MST
To: Meghan Wingate <meghan at lanl.gov<mailto:meghan at lanl.gov>>
Subject: Computer Journal CFP

Please see the following open call:

Computer Journal Special Issue on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High
Performance Computing Systems

This special issue is concerned with the comparison of high-performance computing systems through
performance modeling, benchmarking or through the use of tools such as simulators.

We are particularly interested in research that reports the ability to measure and make tradeoffs in
software/hardware co-design to improve sustained application performance. We are also keen to
capture the assessment of future systems, for example through work that ensures continued application
scalability through peta- and exa-scale systems.

The aim of this special issue is to present work from industry and academia concerned with the
qualitative and quantitative evaluation and modeling of high-performance computing systems. Authors
are invited to submit novel research in all areas of performance modeling, benchmarking and
simulation, and we welcome research that brings together current theory and practice. We recognise
that the coverage of the term 'performance' has broadened to include power consumption and
reliability, and that performance modeling is practiced through analytical methods and approaches
based on software tools and simulators.

We encourage submissions in the following areas:

- Performance modeling, analysis, and prediction of applications and high-performance computing
- Novel techniques and tools for performance evaluation and prediction
- Advanced simulation techniques and tools
- Micro-benchmarking, application benchmarking and tracing
- Performance-driven code optimisation, scalability analysis
- Verification and validation of performance models
- Benchmarking and performance analysis of novel hardware
- Performance concerns in software/hardware co-design
- Tuning and auto-tuning of HPC applications and algorithms
- Benchmark suites
- Performance visualisation
- Real-world case studies

**Instructions for authors**

Paper submissions should conform to the guidelines provided in the Computer Journal’s manuscript
preparation instructions and should be submitted via the journal web submission system

Please indicate that the submission is for the special issue on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and
Simulation of HPC Systems in the cover letter.

A PDF version of the submitted manuscript should also be emailed to Professor Stephen Jarvis.
Submitted papers will be peer reviewed on the basis of originality, quality and relevance according to
the usual standards of The Computer Journal.

**Important dates**

The deadline for submission is 31 March 2012.

**Guest editor**

Professor Stephen Jarvis, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick , Coventry CV4 7AL,

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