[Storage-research-list] 1st CFP: ICSOC07 Ph.D. Symposium

Tudor Dumitras tdumitra at ece.cmu.edu
Thu May 10 21:01:33 EDT 2007

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IBM Ph.D. Symposium at the International Conference on Service-Oriented 
Vienna, Austria
September 17, 2007

Following the past successes of the Ph.D. Symposia in 2005 and 2006, the 
3rd IBM Ph.D. Symposium on Service-Oriented Computing will take place in 
Vienna, in conjunction with the International Conference in 
Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2007).

The ICSOC Ph.D. Symposium is focused on mentoring doctoral students who 
are close to finishing their dissertations. Participating students will 
present their work in front of a mock thesis committee of 4-5 senior 
researchers in the field who will act as mentors and will provide 
extensive feedback and advice for preparing a successful Ph.D. 
dissertation. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask 
questions about research careers in industry and academia during a panel 
discussion. The goals of the Symposium are to expose students to 
constructive criticism before their thesis defense, to serve as an 
opportunity for networking with other students at a similar stage in 
their careers, and to provide guidance related to future career 

The Symposium has a similar technical scope to ICSOC. We seek original 
papers in the field of service-oriented computing, from theoretical and 
foundational results to empirical evaluations as well as practical and 
industrial experiences, with the emphasis on results that contribute to 
solve the many still open research problems that are of significant 
impact to the field of service oriented applications. Topics include but 
are not limited to the following:
* Business Service Modeling: Methods and tools for capturing business 
goals and requirements, decomposition into business services, business 
processes, business policies, modeling, analysis, and simulation, 
specification of functional and non-functional quality requirements
* Service Assembly: Development and discovery, model-driven development, 
service composition architectures, service registries, service discovery 
mechanisms, semantic matching, methods and tools for service 
development, governance, verification and validation, deployment strategies
* Service Management: Instrumentation and service-related data 
aggregation, end-to-end measurement, analysis, modeling and capacity 
planning, definition of deployment topology, infrastructure 
configuration, problem determination for SOAs, ITIL processes, change 
management in live systems
* SOA Runtime: Service bus for mediation, transformation and routing, 
runtime development and service registries, integration of legacy 
applications, information services for data access and data integration, 
scalability, topology and optimization, service-oriented middleware, 
policy based configuration & workload management
* Quality of Service: Reliable service-oriented computing, security and 
privacy in service-oriented computing, SLA and policy specification, QoS 
negotiation, autonomic management of service levels, empirical studies 
and benchmarking of QoS, performance and dependability prediction in SOA
* Grid Services: Services and architecture for management of 
infrastructural resources, data and compute intensive applications, 
execution and resource allocation services for job scheduling, protocols 
for coordination across multiple resource managers, business-value based 
allocation, innovative strategies for creation and management of virtual 
enterprises and organizations, prototype systems and toolkits

Each submission must have a Ph.D. student as the sole author. The 
student’s research must be advanced enough to constitute a concrete 
research proposal with some preliminary results, and the student should 
be interested in receiving constructive feedback on his/her Ph.D. 
dissertation. Ideal participants are typically, but not exclusively, one 
year away from completing their theses.

The submission should highlight the novel ideas of the author’s Ph.D. 
dissertation. The author’s contributions should be framed in the context 
of related work (previous approaches, relevant standards, etc.), 
emphasizing the deficiencies and limitations of the state-of-the-art, as 
well as the author’s proposed strategies for addressing these issues.

Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the Ph.D. 
Symposium technical program committee. The main evaluation criteria are: 
the maturity of the dissertation research, the quality of the research, 
the potential for impact, and the relevance to service-oriented computing.

Submissions are strictly limited to six pages, following the Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science format from Springer-Verlag 
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). The proceedings of the 
workshop will be published online as an IBM research report and possibly 
in other online forums. Papers can be submitted online at 

A limited number of travel grants will be awarded to students whose 
papers are accepted for the Symposium; the grant will cover part of the 
travel costs for the student to attend the Symposium. Details will be 
announced at the Symposium website.

Dr. Paolo Traverso will deliver a keynote speech titled 
“Service-Oriented Computing from Design-Time to Run-Time: Some Research 
Challenges”. The keynote will identify several open questions related to 
the shift to a service-oriented computing paradigm, providing many 
opportunities for high-impact Ph.D. research. Dr. Traverso is director 
of research at the Centro per la ricerca scientifica e tecnologica 
(IRST) in Trento, Italy, where he leads a division working on software 
and services, knowledge management and embedded systems. His career 
included positions in academia and industry. He has served on the 
editorial board of several journals and he has been the General and 
Program Chair of ICSOC in 2004 and 2005.

Submission deadline:            July 9, 2007
Notification of acceptance:         August 12, 2007
Camera-ready submission deadline:     August 26, 2007
Symposium:                September 17, 2007

Symposium Chairs
* Andreas Hanemann (Leibniz Supercomputing Center, DE)
* Benedikt Kratz (Tilburg University, NL)
* Tudor Dumitras (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
* Jyotishman Pathak (Iowa State University, USA)

(Preliminary) Technical Program Committee
* Claudio Bartolini (HP Labs, USA)
* Elisabetta di Nitto (Politecnico di Milano, IT)
* Rik Eshuis (University of Eindhoven, NL)
* Frank Leymann (University of Stuttgart, DE)
* Priya Narasimhan (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
* Daniela Rosu (IBM Research, USA)
* Jennifer Schopf (Argonne National Lab, USA)
* George Spanoudakis (City University London, UK)
* Paolo Traverso (ITC/IRST, IT)
* Petr Tuma (Charles University, Prague, CZ)
* Willem-Jan van den Heuvel (Tilburg University, NL)

(Preliminary) Mentoring Committee
* Priya Narasimhan
* Paolo Traverso
* Petr Tuma
* Willem-Jan van den Heuvel


Tudor A. Dumitras

ECE Department
Carnegie Mellon University


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