[SIGBOVIK] SIGBOVIK 2010 First Deadline Extension!

SIGBOVIK Announcements sigbovik-announce at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Mar 8 08:44:05 EST 2010

The SIGBOVIK subcommittee on procrastination has finally gotten around to
announcing the first deadline extension for SIGBOVIK 2010:

*** Submissions are now being accepted through March 13th ***

Since the truly lazy will delay writing until the second deadline itself,
we have arranged a paper-hacking session in GHC 8102 on March 13th at 1pm.

"It's not too late to be part of this great CMU tradition."


Call for Papers
The Fourth Annual Intercalary Workshop about Symposium on Robot Dance
Party of Conference in Celebration of Harry Q. Bovik's 2^6th Birthday
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, April 1, 2010


Conference Scope

SIGBOVIK celebrates the inestimable research work of Harry Q. Bovik.
Since his research has been so variegated, the conference is
traditionally a forum for discussion on many subjects: Inept Expert
Systems, Deep Space Navigation, Science, Perplexity Theory,
Thaughmaturgic Circle, Self-Adjusting Computation, Denotational
Semantics of Pidgin and Creole, Advanced Technology in a Magical and
Revolutionary Device at an Unbelievable Price, Evolution Styles, State
Dominance, Regret-Minimizing Algorithms, Colored Petri Nets, Natural
Intelligence, Artificial Stupidity, Elbow Macaroni, Rasterized Love
Triangles, Synergistic Hyperparadigmatism, Computational
Archaeolinguistics, Hyper Driven Devices, and any other topic approved
by the conference organizers. The Program Committee seeks submissions
on the entire range of topics.

Authors of accepted manuscripts will be allowed (but not required to
use) twenty minutes to present their work. Any unusual requirements,
such as additional time/antitime or special equipment, can and should
be arranged through the organizers at info AT sigbovik DOT org. We
will also accept prerecorded talks.

Submission Details

All papers must describe original, previously unpublishable research.
Original! The whole "painstakingly TeX formatted Wikipedia article"
thing has probably run its course. There is not a strict page limit,
but papers should generally not exceed 15 pages. Submissions should be
in the 8.5x11 sheet of paper style, and may be submitted via the
EasyChair submission system, available at

Please provide legitimate contact information to EasyChair; the
name(s) listed on the paper itself, not the contact information
provided to EasyChair, will be used for the purposes of the
conference, which allows anonymous/pseudonymous publication.

Important Dates
Optional Abstract Optional Submission Optional Deadline - March 0
Writing an abstract, submitting it, and doing so before the deadline
are all optional (but encouraged) activities.
First Submission Deadline: March 6
Second Submission Deadline: March 13
Conference: Thursday, April 1, 5pm in the Rashid Auditorium, Gates
Hillman Center, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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