[SIGBOVIK] SIGBOVIK: Sunday, April 5th; 1pm
SIGBOVIK Announcements
sigbovik-announce at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Apr 1 01:05:24 EDT 2009
* ACH SIGBOVIK 2009: April 5th, 1pm, Scaife 125 *
The Association for Computational Heresy Special Interest Group on
Harry Q. Bovik is delighted to present the Third Annual Intercalary
Workshop about Symposium on Robot Dance Party of Conference in
Celebration of Harry Q. Bovik's (2^6)th birthday.
Join us on Sunday, April 5th at 1pm in Scaife 125 for presentations,
awards, and possible cake.
Open to all. Registration optional but encouraged (info at sigbovik.org).
More information:
Presentations of accepted, unaccepted, unacceptable, or nonexistent papers
are welcome. If you would like to present at sigbovik, show up slightly
early with a humorous presentation 0-15 minutes in length. Extra time and
non-standard A/V equipment may be available upon request. Notifying the
organizers (info at sigbovik.org) of your intent to present is optional but
Procrastinating Presenters:
There will be a presentation hacking session in 3001 NSH at noon on
Sunday, April 4th.
Copies of the printed proceedings will be available at the conference for
$10, with a discount of $13 on the first copy available to ACH members in
good standing. Additionally, ACH membership will be available for $8.
Pro-rated printed proceedings for procrastinating presenters? Perhaps.
(You may receive duplicate postings; this is intended to underscore the
gravity and importance of the event.)
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