[SCA-BMDL] Fwd: [SCA-AE] [SCA-AEnnounce] AE Heavy Fighting and Fencing Still on Pause til May 1st.

Krista Cogan krista.cogan at gmail.com
Fri Mar 26 09:26:57 EDT 2021


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Monica Gaudio <rani23 at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 8:11 PM
Subject: [SCA-AE] [SCA-AEnnounce] AE Heavy Fighting and Fencing Still on
Pause til May 1st.
To: <announcements at aethelmearc.org>


I have some good news and some difficult news.

The good news is that Their Majesties, the Earl Marshal, the Deputy Kingdom
Seneschal for Pandemics (Duke Christopher), and the AEthelmearc Financial
Committee (including this office) are coming together to make plans on how
to re-open AEthelmearc for heavy fighting and fencing practices.

The difficult news is that AEthelmearc is not there yet.  We still have
concerns regarding the rate of Covid infections in our states and
localities. We are going to continue the pause until at least May 1st. We
are still working out how to minimize the risk to AEthelmearc's members.

We are close to beating this terrible virus and getting back to the SCA
that we love but we are not there yet. When we do open, it will be baby
steps at first - think of slowly (very slowly) turning up a dimmer switch.

Until then, we should consider getting ready and getting in shape for when
fencing and heavy fighting start again. Also, Their Majesties have started
an AE Army Get Fit Pilgrimage Facebook Page - or you can participate by
adding your data via a Google Form here:

I know this is not what many of us want to hear but it is my hope we will
be able to start fighting together (as friends) soon.

Please stay safe,

Illadore de Bedegrayne
Kingdom Seneschal

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