[SCA-BMDL] October 6-8, 2017; We are the Escarbuncle – Celebration of Æthelmearc’s Twentieth Anniversary & Fall Crown Tournament

Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill muirgheall at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 00:15:44 EDT 2017

We are the Escarbuncle - Celebrating Fall Crown and Æthelmearc's Twentieth
Anniversary as a Sovereign Kingdom is just days away!  And the only thing
that we need to make it perfect is your attendance!

We will open the gates of the All Saints Camp to you at 3 pm for troll.
The address is 110 All Saints Road, Emlenton, PA 16373 (just off I80
between Grove City and Clarion).

Friday Evening is going to boast two tournaments, One of the Rapier
Community and a Torchlight Tournament for the Heavy Community.  Please come
out and enjoy a little fun while we gear up for an outstanding weekend!

Crown Tournament processional is starting at 10 am sharp, Combatants and
Consorts, please be certain to reach out to the Dayshade Coordinators; Lady
Arthes MacLeod (Brandy Straub, blueduckie666666 at yahoo.com, 412-352-0978
<(412)%20352-0978>) and Lord Alister MacLeod (Greg Straub,
gstraubjr at gmail.com, 412-216-5443 <(412)%20216-5443>).

A schedule and final menus will be following shortly.  Please take a look
at our website for more details.  http://debatablelands.org/

We cannot wait to see you and to celebrate our New Heirs and our
Magnificent Kingdom together!

If we can be of service, please reach out to the Autocrats:
THL Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill (muirgheall at gmail.com, 724-683-7558)

Baroness Elena de la Palma (elenadelapalma at gmail.com, 916-704-2367)
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