<div dir="ltr">We are the Escarbuncle - Celebrating Fall Crown and Æthelmearc's
Twentieth Anniversary as a Sovereign Kingdom is just days away! And the
only thing that we need to make it perfect is your attendance!<br><br>We
will open the gates of the All Saints Camp to you at 3 pm for troll.
The address is 110 All Saints Road, Emlenton, PA 16373 (just off I80
between Grove City and Clarion).<br><br>Friday Evening is going to boast
two tournaments, One of the Rapier Community and a Torchlight
Tournament for the Heavy Community. Please come out and enjoy a little
fun while we gear up for an outstanding weekend!<br><br>Crown Tournament
processional is starting at 10 am sharp, Combatants and Consorts,
please be certain to reach out to the Dayshade Coordinators; Lady Arthes
MacLeod (Brandy Straub, <a href="mailto:blueduckie666666@yahoo.com" target="_blank">blueduckie666666@yahoo.com</a>, <a href="tel:(412)%20352-0978" value="+14123520978" target="_blank">412-352-0978</a>) and Lord Alister MacLeod (Greg Straub, <a href="mailto:gstraubjr@gmail.com" target="_blank">gstraubjr@gmail.com</a>, <a href="tel:(412)%20216-5443" value="+14122165443" target="_blank">412-216-5443</a>).<br><br>A schedule and final menus will be following shortly. Please take a look at our website for more details. <a href="http://debatablelands.org/events/we-are-the-escarbuncle/" target="_blank">http://debatablelands.org/<wbr>events/we-are-the-escarbuncle/</a><br><br>We cannot wait to see you and to celebrate our New Heirs and our Magnificent Kingdom together! <br><br>If we can be of service, please reach out to the Autocrats:<br>THL Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill (muirgheall at <a href="http://gmail.com">gmail.com</a>, 724-683-7558)<br><br>Baroness Elena de la Palma (elenadelapalma at <a href="http://gmail.com">gmail.com</a>, 916-704-2367)<div id="gmail-m_-8909288533312651485DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2"><table style="border-top:1px solid rgb(211,212,222)" width="470" height="35"><tbody><tr><td style="width:55px;padding-top:13px"><br></td><td style="width:470px;padding-top:12px;color:rgb(65,66,78);font-size:13px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;line-height:18px"></td>