[SCA-BMDL] Demo at Maker Faire Pittsburgh

L.J. Rodriguez rufinasca at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 02:18:42 EDT 2016

Greetings from Rufina!

As some of you may have heard, we will have a booth at Maker Faire
Pittsburgh this coming weekend. I have a few people lined up to help out
-hang out at the table, talk to people, do some cord making with the public
- but would happily welcome some more! You get free admission to Maker
Faire for that day, and don't have to spend the whole day at the booth. Our
booth is inside so no worries about the weather.

The Faire is being held at the Pittsburgh Childrens Museum and surrounding
area. We are there Friday from 10-2 for education day. Saturday & Sunday we
are there from 9-6 (faire starts at 10.)

Our focus for the demo is showing off the things that we in the SCA make.
We will have a hands on area for the public to try their hand at cord
making (slung.)  If we can, we will have scribal arts going on. We are open
to suggestions!

We would love to borrow items for display. We have access to locked
overnight storage for display items. We would like to have some woodwork,
metal work, illumination, siege engines, armor, garb, fiber arts, etc.
Please feel free to suggest something! (We are not allowed to offer food.)
 My garb is raggedy, so if anyone could loan some pretty garb, that would
be wonderful.

I can pick up loaned items if you are not coming to the demo.

If you would like participate, loan items for display, share ideas, please
contact me at rufinasca at gmail.com, or here on Facebook. My phone number is
in the dark pages, but please be warned that my phone is not working very
well right now and may not ring on my end. Just leave a message. Email is

Maker Faire is amazing; I spent 2 entire days there last year and had a

I do realize this conflicts with A&S champs. Please, support our neighbors
at their event. But if you didn't plan on attending A&S, consider joining

Thanks in advance.
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