[SCA-BMDL] Dancemaster Call for Letters

Sue O'Donovan sodtigger at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 10:30:45 EST 2016

That's a long time as dance master. 

If I had the teaching experience for dance, I'd throw my hat in the ring for this. It would be sad if dance went away completely. I hope someone with more SCA Dance experience steps up. (Bad dance pun)


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On Mar 3, 2016, at 8:47 PM, Jeff Hoskinson via Sca-bmdl <sca-bmdl at lists.andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:

Greetings to the Barony from Cai o'r Llyn, Baronial Dancemaster!

I've served as the Barony's dancemaster for over 10 years (how long exactly is lost to the mists of time), and I feel it is time for me to step down.  As a result, I am calling for Letters of Intent to take my place.   Letters of intent should include a brief SCA resume, especially including experience with SCA dance.  Letters should be sent to myself (jeffhos at gmail.com) and the A&S Minister (ansminister at debatablelands.org), and received by April 6th, as a replacement will be selected at the officers meeting that night.

The job of Baronial Dancemaster involves hosting a regular baronial dance practice (regularity is up to you; I ran it weekly for many years before switching to monthly when there was less interest).  It may also involve running balls and teaching dance at local events.

If you have any questions about the position, feel free to contact me!

-- Cai

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