[SCA-BMDL] Barony Camp Meeting

Broom iambroom at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 00:11:25 EDT 2016

I'd like to invite everyone who will be camping with the Barony (Debatable
Lands camp) this Pennsic to meet at this Sunday's fight practice in the
park, to discuss camp rules and ettiquette, and to see roughly how the camp
will be laid out this year.

Sorry to use the barony list, but I don't have a complete list of emails
for camp members yet. I'll try to get this announcement out to people who
have contacted me off-list, as well.

I understand not everyone can attend. If you have any inputs or concerns,
please contact me before Sunday. I'll also update the camp members after
that meeting by email.

Now, at or before that meeting I need some very important information from
Baronial campmates:

1. Footprint size of your tent, including guylines (you can just say "+3'
guylines" or "no guys needed").

2. Footprint of any additional sunflies, garages, etc, that you want to put

3. Whom you want to camp near/next to in the Barony.

4. Any other preferences (near/not near the gate, near Polyhymnia, etc.)

Some of you have already contacted me with this info, of course - Thanks!

Your camp reeve,

' |   Broom      IAmBroom @ gmail . com
' |   cellphone:           412-389-1997
' |   1838 Spring Garden Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
'\|/  "Discere et docere", which means:
'/|\  "All tattoos are temporary... in that one day you'll die."
//|\\ - Oglaf
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