[SCA-BMDL] BMDL - January A&S Highlights - CORRECTION

caseyodonovan at yahoo.com caseyodonovan at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 14 09:39:57 EST 2016

Hey folks,
In my last announcement I accidentally listed IceDragon on the wrong date. Here is the correct info:

IceDragon - Pentathalon - April 2, 2016 - Barony of the Rhydderich Hael (Buffalo, NY)

April 2nd, 2016 the Barony of the Rhydderich Hael once again invites to make a pilgrimage to the Annual Festival of the Passing of the Ice Dragon. It will be held at the Connecticut St Armory, 184 Connecticut St in Buffalo NY 14213. The Festival of the Passing of the Ice Dragon is steeped in tradition, pageantry, martial and gentle arts. We will be featuring a new take on the traditional 'Pent' contest to highlight the talented artisans and scholars of AEthelmearc and beyond! For those of a more martial bent, we invite you to participate in our grand fencing or heavy tournaments. When you need a break, be sure take in the sights and sounds of the day from several public galleries while enjoying a magnificent assortment of tasty treats from our free day-board. The lower halls will be filled with Merchants and there will be ample public lounging area in the Tavern.

My apologies for any confusion this may have caused.

Master Janos 

      From: D Casey ODonovan via Sca-bmdl <sca-bmdl at lists.andrew.cmu.edu>
 To: BMDL List <sca-bmdl at lists.andrew.cmu.edu> 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 3:25 PM
 Subject: [SCA-BMDL] BMDL - January A&S Highlights
Hello folks,
There is quite a bit going on in the A&S community this winter. Here are the highlights...

Sterlynge Schola - January 16, 2016 - Sterlynge Vayle (Binghamton, NY)
Let the word go forth that the Shire of Sterlynge Vayle will be hosting The Sterlynge Schola on January 16, 2016 At the Trinity Memorial Church 44 Main St., Binghamton NY 13904 The Site opens to the populace at 9:00am and closes at 6:00pm. We are planning classes from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., with a one-hour break for lunch at noon. Anyone found still lingering in the halls or classrooms after 5:30 p.m. may be pressed into service for site clean up.

THLady Nest ferch Rhys has agreed to serve as Dean of the Schola. We have plenty of classrooms and would encourage all interested teachers to come and share their knowledge and all eager students to attend. We are hoping to have scribal, sewing, brewing, dancing, martial, heraldry and other classes. Please contact THLady Nest ferch Rys, MKA, Deborah Gorton, e-mail; nestverchrys at gmail dot com if you would like to teach a class, or if you have any questions regarding the classes being offered.

Event announcement HERE.

Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands Investiture - February 13, 2016 - BMDL (Pittsburgh, PA)
BMDL A&S Champs has been moved from 12th Night to Investiture. The current BMDL A&S Champion - Hara will be announcing the details of the event soon.

College of Three Ravens - February 20, 2016 - Barony of Thescorre (Palmyra, NY)
If you wish to teach a class, please contact our Class Coordinator, Baroness Bronwyn nic Gregor (3catssejant at gmail.com, include “C3R classes” in the subject line). More information can be found on the event announcement HERE.

IceDragon - Pentathalon - April 9, 2016 - Barony of the Rhydderich Hael (Buffalo, NY)
Rumors are that the format is changing this year. As soon as we have information from the coordinators I'll be sure to pass it along to you. In the mean time, keep working on those projects and should you have questions about documentation or presentation let me know!

Kingdom A&S Faire - April 23, 2016 - Shire of Hartstone

To the gentlefolk of Æthelmearc, greetings!

On April 23rd, the Kingdom A&S Office, with the great help & generosity of the Shire of Hartstone, will hold the first Æthelmearc Arts & Sciences Faire. You can find the announcement HERE:

As part of the event, we will be holding an A&S Prize Tourney. As this type of tourney is new to Æthelmearc, we would like to briefly explain how it is designed to work.

First, the name “tourney” is a bit misleading. The tourney is actually an exhibition, open only to gentles who have a Sycamore or no kingdom A&S award. The purpose is to display the talents of these gentles.

Second, there will an evaluation of the displays that are entered. We intend to have teams of 3-4 evaluators, each of which will look at and comment on one or two displays per hour. The evaluations will consist of viewing the exhibit and the documentation provided, then discussing the exhibit with the entrant. If you were at Kingdom A&S Champions last October, then you will be familiar with the process we’ll using.

Third, we are asking companions of the Fleur and the Laurel to do two things: first, to sponsor entrants in the tourney. This means to provide guidance, advice, and moral support to the entrants sponsored, and to provide a small token or present which will be given to an entrant of the Tourney. For every entrant a Fleur or Laurel sponsors, that Fleur or Laurel should also provide a present. Second, we are asking the Fleurs and Laurels to attend the event and act as evaluators. This is anticipated to be an all-day task, or least take as long as there are exhibitions that have not been evaluated. We encourage the evaluators to look at all the exhibitions, even those they are not evaluating. After the tourney has finished, the evaluators will meet to discuss what they saw during the day.
At the end of the day, during court, the presents will be presented to the entrants by the Fleurs and Laurels. We also hope that the sitting Barons & Baronesses and the Royalty who are present will bring tokens to present to their favorite displays of the day.

Further details on the Prize Tourney and other A&S activities during the day will be forthcoming.

SO! Lot's going on this Winter! Let me know if I can help you in getting your project on track, or direct you to someone who can better serve you. And let me know if you have a class you'd like to teach locally or regionally!
Potest Facere!

Master Janos
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