[SCA-BMDL] BMDL 12th night 2016 - Schedule

Harland Corbin harland.corbin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 21:49:22 EST 2016

Greetings again!

We have some updates to the schedule as posted.
Here is the complete, revised schedule.

Please note that the Baronial A&S championship will be moved this year from
12th Night to Investiture.

Unfortunately, there are likely to be more changes, I will post them as the
information is known.

*2016 BMDL Twelfth Night Schedule*

As of 01/11/2016

*9:00 am*

   - Staff and Merchant set up

*10:00 am*

   - Troll Opens
   - Cookies can be delivered to cookie table
   - Brewing drop-off open
   - Marketplace opens
   - Ornament painting

*11:00 am*

   - Barony Meeting
   - Heraldry Quest Begins (after meeting)
   - Faux Gingerbread House making

*1:00 pm *

   - Pillow Fighting Tourney

*1:30 pm *

   - Music

*2:00 pm*

   - Troll Closes
   - Children’s gift exchange

*Between 2 pm and 4 pm:*

   - Brewing Championship Judging
   - Cookie Competition Judging

*2:30 pm*

   - Basket making

*3:00 pm*

   - Baronial Bardic Champion Competition

*4:00 pm*

   - Auction Ends: Pick up your winnings
   - Heraldry Quest Ends
   - Gift Exchange

*4:45 pm*

   - Debatable Choir

*5:30 pm*

   - Baronial Court

*8:00 pm*

   - Merchants Close

*9:00 pm*

   - Site Closes

On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 12:39 AM, Harland Corbin <harland.corbin at gmail.com>

> Unto the populace of the Debatable Lands, greetings!
> Here is the schedule of events for the upcoming 12th Night Celebration.
> Please note that this schedule is subject to revision as needed.
> 2016 BMDL Twelfth Night Schedule
> As of 01/07/2016
> *9:00 am*
>    - Staff and Merchant set up
> *10:00 am*
>    - Troll Opens
>    - Cookies can be delivered to cookie table
>    - A&S drop-off open
>    - Brewing drop-off open
>    - Marketplace opens
>    - Ornament painting
> *11:00 am*
>    - Barony Meeting
>    - Heraldry Quest Begins (after meeting)
>    - Faux Gingerbread House making
> *1:00 pm *
>    - Pillow Fighting Tourney
> *1:30 pm *
>    - Music Lessons
> *2:00 pm*
>    - Troll Closes
>    - Children’s gift exchange
> *Between 2 pm and 4 pm:*
>    - Brewing Championship Judging
>    - A&S Championship Judging
>    - Cookie Competition Judging
> *2:30 pm*
>    - Basket making
> *3:00 pm*
>    - Baronial Bardic Champion Competition
> *4:00 pm*
>    - Auction Ends: Pick up your winnings
>    - Heraldry Quest Ends
>    - Gift Exchange
> *4:45 pm*
>    - Debatable Choir
> *5:30 pm*
>    - Baronial Court
> *8:00 pm*
>    - Merchants Close
> *9:00 pm*
>    - Site Closes
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