[SCA-BMDL] Wednesday Scriptorium - THIS WEDNESDAY

Jenn Strobel jenn.strobel at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 11:56:07 EST 2016

This is a reminder that this Wednesday, 24 February 2016 will be
Scriptorium at my home in Hampton from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. We are
offering a class taught by THL Rachael Daliceaux, "Attavanti Made Easy"

Class Description:
Easy shading and design tricks to get those perfect "mirror image" acanthus
leaves and jewels to POP off the page. If you can free-hand a few acanthus
leaves, draw a circle and can make a thin line with a brush, you already
have all the skills you need. Please bring your own paints and brushes, as
well as a fine lead mechanical pencil.  By the end of the class everyone
will produce a scroll blank in the style of the panels found in the artwork
of Attavante degli Attavanti.

​If you would like directions or any further information about this class,
please phone 412.213.8116​.

Thank you!

Odriana vander Brugghe, Signet
*Aude aliquid dignum*
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