[SCA-BMDL] To the greatest barony

Liam and Constance liamandconstance at gmail.com
Fri Feb 12 20:28:50 EST 2016

Greetings to this great barony,

In a few short hours we will step down as your Baron and Baroness. We can
not put into words what an honor it has been to serve you all for the past
four and a half years.

In our time, we have seen the barony grow and have made many new friends,
we  have given awards to many well deserving people and been blessed to see
the joy on thier faces. We have seen incredible service by the members of
this barony to both us and the kingdom. We have seen brand new people join
the barony and develop into amazing artisans, fighters and servants of the

It has been an amazing experience for both of us. We hope that you all
enjoyed our time as your Baron and Baroness as much as we have enjoyed our
time on the baronial thrones.

We will not be going away by any means, we will continue to do work within
the barony and the kingdom. We also look forward to seeing all that we can
do with you. We would like to thank all of you for your continued hard work
for this barony.

Finally, we would like to congratulate Brandubh and Hildarun on their
election. We look forward to see the direction that they take this barony
in during the coming years.

You are the greatest barony in the world.

In service to the  dream,

Liam and Constance
7th Baron and Baroness
Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands
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