[SCA-BMDL] Holiday gift idea?

KAREN D DONNELLY kd.donnelly at verizon.net
Wed Dec 7 10:31:19 EST 2016

Apologies for the bandwidth, but I thought some on this list might be interested. Duquesne University published a paperback book last month of forty original medieval woodcuts from "Biblia Pauperum” a.k.a. The Bible of the Poor (12th to 15th centuries). This book is a reproduction of a medieval blockbook, and the neat thing about it is that it's a COLORING BOOK. It also has a brief descriptive commentary for each illustration to "identify the stories and characters, explain the details, and highlight the meaning s and interrelationships of the original woodcuts".

http://www.dupress.duq.edu/products/coloring-the-biblia-pauperum-medieval-woodcuts-to-illuminate-and-inspire <http://www.dupress.duq.edu/products/coloring-the-biblia-pauperum-medieval-woodcuts-to-illuminate-and-inspire>

Free shipping this month on this book. Other books are also on sale.

Happy Twelfth Night.

Karana Yabokchi
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