[SCA-BMDL] Heavy Marshal needed, Sunday.

Liam and Constance liamandconstance at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 10:14:26 EDT 2015

I am currently looking for a marshal for this Sunday, I have been given an
Involuntary shift at work again and will be working from 9am to 9pm.  If
someone is able to marshal, please contact me.

Also, if someone is willing to pick up the loaner armor and transport it to
and from practice from the North Hills, it would be greatly appreciated. We
have several new folks that are using the armor and I would like to
encourage them to keep at it.

If you are able to help out with either or both, please contact me.

Baron Liam

Baron Uilliam Mac-an-tSaoir
Baroness Constance Glyn Dwr

Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands
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