[SCA-BMDL] Agincourt Thank yous

Liam and Constance liamandconstance at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 23:53:47 EDT 2014

A day that runs as well as Agincourt did this year is all about the people
behind the scenes.  Thank you to all of those who helped out during the day
in whatever way possible.

Thank you to, my Co-autocrat, Baroness Constance without whom I would lose
my mind, and probably much more.

*Reservations and Troll:*

THL Margery (Alfie)

Master Alaric

Lady Hara

And anyone else I may have missed

*Heavy Marshal Staff:*

Lady Sumayya  (MIC)

Syr Bear the Walsbane

Duchess Tessa

Sir Vlad

Baron Locryn Tuchux

Sir Aengus McBain

Sir Wolfbrand (Wookie)

And anyone else I may have missed

*Fencing Marshal Staff:*

Lord David Chadwick

And anyone else I may have missed

*Archery Marshal Staff:*

Master Alaric

Master Brandubh

Master Urho

THL Juan Miguel

And anyone else I may have missed

*MOL Staff:*

Lady Amelia Soteria

Mistress Mahin

Baroness Reina

And anyone else I may have missed

*Youth Marshall Staff:*

Sir Thorgrim


Mistress Arianna

And anyone else I may have missed

*Baronial Raffle:*

Lady Abatissa who picked up this ball and ran with it!

*Cooks and Kitchen Staff: *

Mistress Odriana and her wonderful staff, I am sure she will be sending out
a list of thank yous soon!

*Arts and Sciences*

Lord Ishiyama

*General Help:*

Lord Eidden Abdul Salaam (who did everything from parking assistance to
gathering a crew to set up for feast)

Lady Rifka

Master Tofi

Mistress Genvieve

Sir Wolbran (Wookie)

Master Alaric

Lord Hikaru

Lady Isabelle

And anyone else I may have missed

For anyone that helped in any way to may Agincourt a success once again,

Baron Uilliam Mac-an-tSaoir
Baroness Constance Glyn Dwr

Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands
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