[SCA-BMDL] December Officers Meeting

Alaric MacConnal alaric at pobox.com
Fri Nov 28 17:14:41 EST 2014

Greetings All!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  This is a reminder that this
coming Wednesday (Dec 3rd) is the bimonthly Officers Meeting (at the Dowd
Room in CMU's University Center).  This month the officers will be
discussing and voting on some previously announced policy changes.  If you
haven't already, please take a moment to look at the proposed changes (
http://www.debatablelands.org/2014-12-03%20Proposed%20Changes.php) and send
any comments to me at seneschal at debatablelands.org!

Now is also a good time to think about event bids.  The only bid currently
on the calendar is Debatable Lands 12th Night (January 17th).  So if you
have ideas for an event you'd like to see or are planning to run one let me
know and we'll get you on the agenda to get your bid approved.

As always, if there are any questions or concerns, please let me know.  I'm
here to help!

In Service,

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