[SCA-BMDL] FW: [SCA-AE] ANNOUNCE: Pilgrimage of Æthelmearc
Krista Cogan
hildasca at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 27 19:16:45 EST 2013
See below, FYI.
> Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 18:55:21 -0500
> From: mistressliadain at gmail.com
> To: announcements at aethelmearc.org
> Subject: [SCA-AE] ANNOUNCE: Pilgrimage of Æthelmearc
> Keywords: AEnnouncements
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Announcements at aethelmearc.org for announcements only.
> Replies and questions are sent to discussion at aethelmearc.org
> or directly to the person making the announcement.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Greetings unto Æthelmearc, from Maynard and Liadain, Heirs to the Sylvan
> Throne.
> We are pleased to announce we will be hosting a Pilgrimage during the
> course of our upcoming reign. The purpose of the Pilgrimage is twofold. The
> first is to foster knowledge of Æthelmearc and the second is to promote
> travel within the realm. We will be providing autocrats with collectable
> Pilgrimage Cards to be made available to event attendees. The cards will
> contain facts about the hosting group and events that shaped Æthelmearc
> history. In addition, we will be encouraging the groups hosting events to
> create a Pilgrimage Shrine to further showcase the history of their group
> and provide a location at which the Pilgrimage cards will be available. The
> cards will be made available for all Kingdom events occurring during the
> course of our reign, not only those in which we are in attendance.
> While we know that cost of travel has increased, we would urge people to
> attempt to find means to travel to events outside their local areas.
> Carpooling
> is not only cost-saving, but truly the journey oft-times provides as many
> lasting memories as the destination. We will be recognizing those
> individuals who travel 1000 miles or more within Æthelmearc during the
> course of our reign with a Pilgrimage token.
> Additional information will be made available soon. Our Kingdom Historian,
> THL Hrefna Uflvarinnsdottir will be contacting autocrats with details, as
> well as requesting information on local groups so that we may create the
> individual Pilgrimage Cards for each event. Please take the time to think
> of notable information that may be included on the cards as well as
> possible items for your group’s Pilgrimage Shrine.
> We look forward to sharing this experience with you.
> Maynard and Liadain, Prince and Princess Æthelmearc
> _________________________________________________________________________
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> To post, you must send to either
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> Visit https://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/mailman/listinfo/sca-aethelmearc for:
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> When replying to posts, you should remove excess quotage.
> _________________________________________________________________________
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