[SCA-BMDL] Officers' Meeting this Wednesday

Krista Cogan hildasca at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 5 13:41:40 EDT 2013

Hello, hope everyone had a lovely Pennsic, or if you didn't go, a lovely couple of weeks in this gorgeous weather.
This is a reminder that August Officers' Meeting will be held this Wednesday, August 7th, at 8pm in Porter Hall A18A (CMU's campus, contact me if you need directions). The agenda will include Officers' reports, event bid(s), voting on the Office of Exchequer, and anything else that comes up. Let me know if you have any other agenda items.
Officer's meeting is the business meeting where we get together to talk about the business of keeping the Barony running. As always, it's open to all!
In Levitate et Caritate,~Hilda, Seneschale 		 	   		  
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