[SCA-BMDL] War Practice Archery Thanks

Robert Smith alaric at pobox.com
Mon May 21 22:18:17 EDT 2012

 From Master Alaric, Archery Marshal-In-Charge, Aethelmearc War Practice  

Thank you to everyone who assisted me on the archery range at War  
Practice!  It was a fabulous time with many participants and helpers.  I  
hope everyone enjoyed themselves.  We had a youth range, and adult range,  
a youth clout shoot, an adult clout shoot, a zombie novelty shoot, the  
Kingdom archery championship, an introduction to archery class and more.   
While I will attempt to list the names of all who helped, if I did omit  
your name it is due to my forgetfulness.

Range Setup:     Urho, Jorundr, Jacopo
Marshals:        Jacopo, Urho, Bataar, Juan Miguel, Faelan, Fintan, Brad,  
Rouland, Merlin, Cadan, Auld, Derek, Milhim, Caleb
Zombie Shoot:    Elizabeth, Vigo
Clout Targets:   Luceta
Prizes:          Elsbeth
Range Teardown:  Jacopo, Urho, Rachel
Mentors:         Urho, Jacopo

In Service,


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