[SCA-BMDL] BMDL rapier practice

Wendy Colbert rapierlady at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 12 07:50:49 EST 2012

Greetings Good Gentles,
Last week at practice we had 4 gentles participate in foot work and lunge drills and some sparring occurred. Please come join us this week for the BMDL Fencing Practice. Some loaner gear is available.

Sunday January 11th at the Pittsburgh Chinese Church

8711 Old Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA  15237.   

Parking:  Park in the down-slope lot off of Highland Rd, walk around the side of the building, enter the first door, and walk up the stairs to the room on the 3rd floor.  Helpful picture at:  http://maps.google.com/maps?q=40.56502,-80.041616&num=1&t=h&sll=40.565013,-80.041468&sspn=0.00107,0.002411&ie=UTF8&ll=40.564981,-80.041355&spn=0.00107,0.002411&z=19    (entrance at the green arrow)

Doors open at 2pm.

Fencing practice will continue at the Pittsburgh Chinese Church.  Sundays 2pm - 6pm, unless other notice is given.

Irene von Scmetterling
Interim rapier marshal, BMDL

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