[SCA-BMDL] New arrivals

Suzanne sveter at comcast.net
Mon Apr 16 16:20:55 EDT 2012

Hello to the Barony,


I'm writing to introduce my family.  In the Society, we are: Lady Amanda of
Kirkby Lonsdale, Viscount Sir Ariel of Alon and Alice Maria of Alon.  While
Ariel and I are long time scadians, mundane life has severely limited our
participation for the last decade or so.  The biggest issue was the
relocation and long work hours Ariel's previous job required.


Happily, he is in a new career and we find ourselves back in our home
Kingdom.  At the moment we are busy cleaning, unpacking and generally
settling in, but we intend to be active members and hope to meet you all


Yours in Service,



Mundanely we are: 


Andrew, Suzanne and Katie Veter 


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