[SCA-BMDL] Court Report: The First Court of their Excellencies Liam and Constance at their Baronial Investiture

Pavel Dudoladov trumpetmaker at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 22:01:31 EDT 2011

Here begins the record of the first court of their Excellencies Liam and
Constance, Baron and Baroness of these Debatable Lands, on August 27th, Anno
Societatis 46, at their Baronial Investiture, Lord Pavel Dudoladov reporting

First, the presence of Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope was requested.  She
proceeded to thank all those who had made the investiture possible including
Sir Bear.

Next their Excellencies called Lady Ceindrech merch Elidir forward.  She
spoke of the Baronial Youth Champion tournament which was fought that day
announcing Tiberius as the new Baronial Youth Champion.  Their Excellencies
congratulated him on his skill presenting him with a scroll illuminated by
Odrianna vander Brugghe and calligraphed by Kieran MacRae. Lady Ceindrich
also announced Gwen Telenomorous as most chivalrous and congratulated Devan
for her first time fighting.

Dona Sasha Gray was invited forth by their Excellencies.  She announced that
she had ran the Baronial Champion Fencing Tourney that day and that its
victor was Lord Charles de Cayeux.  Their Excellencies congratulated him on
his skill presenting him with a scroll illuminated by Odrianna vander
Brugghe and calligraphed by Kieran MacRae.

Their Excellencies then called forward Lord Shirou.  He announced the
winners of the heavy fighting bearpit tourney that occured that day.  Sir
Graedwyn was declared the victor and Lord Anias the most chivalrous.  Their
Excellencies congratulated them on their fighting prowess.

Next THLady Odrianna vander Brugghe was requested.  She annouced that she
had run a scribal table and competition and that the winner was Leana.
 Their excellencies congratulated Leana on her skill.

Lady Rufina Saavedre was invited forward.  Their Excellencies thanked her
for her service, especially in her organizing of the Zoo Demo and therefore
inducted her into the order of the Comet Or, presenting her with a scroll by
Aiden ni Leir.

Lady Elss of Augsburg and Mistress Kris Gilibari were called forward.  Their
service as cosignets was noted and appreciated by their Excellencies. Elss
and Kris were asked if they had found a successor, they had and THLady
Odrianna vander Brugghe was invited forward.  Their Excellencies asked
Odrianna to serve as their signet, she accepted.  Their excellencies then
relieved Elss and Kris from their duties, and thanked all for their service
to the Barony.

THLady Margery Kemp was then requested.  Her service as head retainer was
noted and appreciated by their Excellencies. Margery was asked if she had
found a successor, she had and Lady Caelinn of the Debatable Lands was
invited forward.  Their Excellencies asked Caelinn to serve as their head
retainer, she accepted.  Their excellencies then relieved Margery from her
duties, and thanked all for their service to the Barony.

Their Excellencies then commanded that Sir Alonzio of the Peacemakers be
brought before them. They noted that he had quite a "history" on the Barony
and if he would like to make that "history" go away, then he would serve as
their Baronial Sheriff.  Alonzio agreed and thus was warranted as Sheriff of
the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands with all rights granted pursuant to
that station.

The presence of their Excellencies Tofi and Genevieve were then requested,
their excellencies remarked on their constant service to the barony, to the
kingdom, to the society.  Their work, a comet's tail reflecting back on the
barony,  showing the best the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands has to
offer.  Thus their Excellencies would create the Award of Excellence making
Master Tofi and Mistress Genevieve principle members, doing thus with a
scroll illuminated and calligraphed by Gianna di Aurelio.

Finally, Lady Aobell ingen Churnachain and the children of the barony
brought forth a banner made that day as a gift for their Excellencies.
 Their Excellencies thanked the youths for their effort and accepted the

There being no further business the first court of Their Excellencies, Liam
and Constance, 7th Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands was closed.

*-Павел* *(Pavel)*
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