[SCA-BMDL] OT - ISO shovel, tarp, strong helpers

Broom iambroom at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 14:28:21 EDT 2011

Thanks so much for that info!

I'll be sure to not keep you in mind, if anyone asks...

On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Christine Hutson
<kris_gilibari at yahoo.com> wrote:
> burying, try to remove and then replace each layer of soil
> separately.....people like me identify excavations by looking for places on
> the clay layer (or other under-layers) where topsoil has been used for fill.
>  Never do that.  Replace topsoil with topsoil, clay with clay, etc. all the
> way down (or rather, from the bottom up).  Just a handy hint for getting rid
> of artifacts so that archaeologists will never catch you ; )
> Oh, and if you're not *burying* your tarp-covered objects, just forget I
> said all of that......it means nothing, nothing at all.......(*clears throat
> and moves on*).
> And I'd be happy to be a strong helper, except that I'm having rotator-cuff
> issues.....sorry.  I usually love shoveling dirt, snow, etc.

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