[SCA-BMDL] Baronial Election

Cara&Char caram at imap.pitt.edu
Wed Mar 2 15:21:53 EST 2011

Unto the populace of the Debatable Lands, does Byron, Baron, send Greetings.

By now you have probably received in the mail the ballot to vote for the next Baron and Baroness.  If you have not received it, and expected to, let me know so that we can troubleshoot what went wrong.  The most frequent reason is when people forget to renew their SCA memberships, but other things can go wrong, including lost mail.

I am pleased to announce that the pictures and statements from the Baronial candidates are available on the Barony's web site:


I hope that this helps you in deciding how to rank the candidates.

The ballots need to be returned to me before the start of the May Barony meeting; details on how to return the ballots are included on the ballots themselves.

If you have ANY questions about the rules of the election, or any concerns about how it is being run, please feel free to contact me at your leisure.

In Service, 

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