[SCA-BMDL] OT: Custom-made arrows for sale

Karen Kasper arianna_wyn at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 15 21:08:36 EDT 2011

FYI, I am posting this for my son Robert, who is not subscribed to these lists. Please respond to him directly at firestorm1550 (at) gmail.com.



Greetings unto the archers of the Debatable Lands and Steltonwald
From Lord Robert McEwin of Thornhill, formerly known as
Robert of the Debatable Lands
Do you need arrows for Pennsic?

I am making custom arrows for sale, for delivery at any Debatable Lands event or archery practice, or at Pennsic. Prices are as follows:
Youth arrows, 5/16” shafts, 3” fletching, 75 grain field
points with standard nocks - $40
Adult arrows, 11/32” shafts, 4” fletching, 100 grain field points with
standard nocks - $60
Please provide your SCA and mundane names, your email, the length to which
you wish your arrows to be cut, and your choice of the following fletching
colors, indicating which color you want for the cock feather: Red, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Green, Yellow
Payment must be made in cash or check only. I cannot ship
arrows, so you must pick them up at an event or practice. I will be at Pennsic from Land
Grab onward, camping in Polyhymnia, a subdivision of the Debatable Lands, block N10 on the Serengeti.
Please indicate when you are able to pick up the arrows.
Although I am only 12 years old, I am a Master Bowman, and have
been making my own arrows for about a year under the guidance of THLord Urho
Thank you for your time and attention.
In service,
Lord Robert McEwin of Thornhill
MKA Robert Kasper
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