[SCA-BMDL] FWD: Zoo Demo

flip+ at andrew.cmu.edu flip+ at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Jun 13 08:54:28 EDT 2011

"L.J. Rodriguez" <rufinasca at gmail.com> writes:
> Greetings once again!
> I am *finally* feeling better, and have internet access once again!
> The demo at the Pittsburgh Zoo is coming up this weekend, June 18th & 19th.
> We still have room for participants and we'd love to see YOU come out and
> join us! It doesn't matter if you are from BMDL or not - last year we had
> participants from 8 different groups!
> The demo runs both days from 11-3, with equipment drop-off starting at 10
> am. You don't need to come both days or stay the whole time, whatever you
> can manage is fine and will be appreciated.
> Admission to the zoo the day of the demo is free - participants in the demo
> get 2 free passes to return to the zoo at a later date.
> We will be having Heavy Weapons, Fencing, and an A&S display both days. On
> Sunday we have youth fighting available, Saturday we are having comedia
> performances. Both days we have other special activities planned.
> The martial displays are always a crowd favorite, if you fence or fight,
> consider coming out and showing off your skills to potential new members.
> We ALWAYS need people to sit at the A&S display and talk to passers by (and
> watch the items on display.)  You are welcome to come and demonstrate an art
> if you would like. If you spin or weave, we have a special fiber area in the
> air conditioned room!  If you want to just come and hang out at one of the
> activities in garb, please come. It's a fun day!
> Please come :)
> IF you can't come but would be willing to lend something to the A&S display,
> please contact Langdon (langdon_g at excite.com) AND Margaret (
> grm at andrew.cmu.edu) to coordinate. We would really like to have a nice
> display.
> If you plan on attending, PLEASE CONTACT ME directly at
> rufinasca at gmail.comto let me know you are coming. I have to hand a
> guest list to the zoo to
> have at the gate, and I need to have your email so you can receive the final
> instructions and directions. The final information will be going out on
> Thursday and Friday. If you don't have the final instructions, you may end
> up walking the wrong way around the zoo and be all tired out when you get
> there (like a certain baron who shall remain nameless ;)
> I can be also reached at 412-721-5028 if you have any questions. I don't
> care if you wake me up :)
> Come join the fun!
> Rufina
> p.s. Please forward this to local group lists, and to group lists where
> people might be interested in attending! Thank you!


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