[SCA-BMDL] Aecademy/War College Thanks and Appreciation

Elss_of_Augsburg elss_of_augsburg at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 3 19:52:39 EDT 2011

To all those who attended the Spring Aecademy and War College does Elss of Augsburg send these words of thanks:
It was with great pleasure that I observed so many people enjoying themselves and sharing in the atmosphere of learning and fellowship at the Aecademy and War College, and I remind all that this great event could not have occurred without the work and support of many people, to whom I owe much gratitude.
My most sincere thanks to 
Their Royal Majesties Christopher Rawlins and Morgen of Rye and Their Royal Highnesses Isenwulf Thorolfsonne and Rosalinda of Castile for attending, and by doing so, for showing that learning and teaching of the gentle arts and the martial arts are important to the Crown and Kingdom;
Odriana vander Brugghe, Chancellor of the Aecademy and class coordinator, for assembling a very full day of classes taught by knowledgeable and distinguished instructors and for inviting such an interesting and engaging keynote speaker;
Uilliam Mac-an-tSaoir, Dean of Aethelmearc War College, who ensured that there were classes to suit all martial interests, and who in addition scheduled a melee so that our fighters got some exercise;
Alastar Scott MacCrummin, our most esteemed Head Cook, and his staff of kitchen minions who baked and grilled and chopped and washed endless dishes so that we all might enjoy a generous sideboard that started early and lasted all day and was as always of surpassing wonderfulness;
Alaric MacConnell, for stepping up and assuming the duties of Head Troll at the last minute, when a family emergency prevented our regularly scheduled troll from attending;
Hilderun Hugelman, for handling the reservations and tracking probable attendance on Facebook, and for making sure that the important Troll position was taken up by someone so reliable;
Clewin Kupferhelbelinc, who ensured that our royal attendees had snacks and beverages and a comfortable space in which to retire and rest;
Mistress Kris Gilibari and her Cabinet of Curiosities, for relating not only the tales of her curious collection, but also relating the curiosities to her art and our period of study;
Will Langdon of Greymorne and the Laurels who staffed the Ask-a-Laurel table and answered questions and talked all day long;
Rowan ni Naradhaigh and Ffynthcor ó Finndamh, our gatekeepers at the UUCNH, who let us in early, kept us straightened out, and helped us return everything to its proper place after the event;
Aleea Bagah, the Crash Space Coordinator, for helping those who traveled find a comfortable place to stay;
And finally and far from least, many, many thanks to those others who brought, put up and took down shade tents, who moved endless tables and chairs, who fetched tablecloths and shopped for forgotten items, who vacuumed and swept and washed up, and especially to those who stayed to clean up at the end of the day. I don’t have your names, but you have my deepest and most sincere thanks for your help.
I hope everyone enjoyed the day --
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