[SCA-BMDL] Melee Muster in the BMDL

Shawn MacIntyre medicmacintyre15219 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 11 01:34:56 EDT 2011

Greetings All,

Today we held a Melee Muster at the BMDL Summer practice site which was attended by 24 combatants, and 4 non-combatants.

Topics covered were:
-Stick and move techniques for Spear and off weapon heavy units - Shiro no Kaminari

- Spear Techniques and working with spears in a bridge battle - Sir Alonzio, Sir Isenwulf, and Sir Tristan.

The fighters took part in over 30 melee scenarios, Below is a list of the fighters who attended. We also authorized one new fighter for the BMDL, Reauthorized a fighter for Storm Haven, and Authorized one Mercenary fighter.


Their Majesties Christopher and Morgen 

Sir Alonzio
Sir Isenwulf
Sir Tristan
Sir Thorgrim Skullsplitter

Damien Williams (New Fighter not yet authorized)
Anias Fenne - Misty Highlands (Queen's Guard)
Robert - Rhyderrich Hael
Ard'n Nachthalm - Sable Maul
Cynewyn - BMDL
Gretter the Slow (House Clovenshield, Mercenary)
Shiro - Yama Kaminari (Queen's Guard)
Ehdjarn Biddr - Clan O'Shannon (Ballachlagan)
Eckhart - Northern Cross (Queen's Guard)
Jusse - Northern Cross (Queen's Guard)
Gui - East Kingdom
Vladimir Mechnik - Storm Haven
Eoin MacPadrick - Storm Haven
Titus - House Silverthorn/ Storm Haven
Cathel inn Suarti Mana - Storm Haven
Talon - House Singing Stone
Blak Jo - Sable Maul
Gunther Blackrose - Sir Bear
Liam Mac-an-Tsaoir - Peacemakers (Queen's Guard)
Tyler Borgoyne - BMDL (New Authorization)
Dan Devine - (Black Talon, Mercenary) (New Authorization)
Clewin Kupferhelbelinc - Peacemakers (Queen's Guard)
Fredeburg Katzenellenbogen - Peacmakers (Queen's Guard)

Shawn MacIntyre

TH Lord Liam MacanTsaoir (SCA)
Dean of Aethelmearc War College
In Omnia Paratus
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