[SCA-BMDL] Latest updates on the Winter Challenge

Urho Waltterinen crossbow1953 at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 24 09:11:33 EST 2010

>From the Captain of Archers,

The latest weekend of scores has been posted for the the Gwyntarian Winter Challenge and the Barony-Marche continues to lead the way with the most participants. Our friends from Delftwood are making a good showing too.


Note especially that Robert has scores in two different Youth categories and is the early leader in both.

With the end of the outdoor archery season, further rounds will be shot during the Steltonwald indoor practices. I will be heading out there on occasion. If anyone would like to go, but needs to borrow equipment, please contact me ahead of time.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

In Service to the Barony-Marche,

Urho Waltterinen
mka Eugene Siren
crossbow1953 at earthlink.net
(home) 1-412-247-4467
(cell) 1-412-501-5239

Per valde mustache adveho valde officium

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