[SCA-BMDL] Sewing Circles planned for June and July

Gail Lefkowitz lefkowitzga at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 8 00:05:14 EDT 2010

Pennsic is coming! For all those who need to mend old clothes, or make new ones, there will be two sewing circles held Saturday June 12 (this weekend) and Saturday July 10, from 10am - 4pm.

June 12 will be held at the University of Pittsburgh Student Union, Dining Room B. We hope you can make it.
The Union is on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Bigelow.  There is parking under Soldiers and Sailors across Fifth. Look here http://www.tour.pitt.edu/ for map and directions.  A private email to lefkowitzga at earthlink.net to let me know you're coming would be nice, but isn't necessary.

July 10 will be held at Carnegie-Mellon University, University Center, Peter-Wright-McKenna rooms. The University Center is on Forbes Avenue between Morewood and Beeler Streets.  There is a parking garage just east of the center.  This URL has the campus map and directions to the parking garage ("East Campus Parking Garage"). We will re-post this announcement closer to the date.

In between, on June 17, will be the usual 3rd Thursday sewing circle at Ts'vee'a 's house in Stanton Heights. Please email lefkowitzga at earthlink.net to RSVP for June 17, get directions, etc.

For now, please plan to come to the University of Pittsburgh Student Union on June 12.  Hope to see you there!


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