[SCA-BMDL] Baronial Pennsic Happenings

Krista Traini hildasca at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 29 13:09:04 EDT 2010

Hello there, hope all your Pennsic preparations are going well, if you're going. A few people have asked me for this, so I thought I'd repost:
Some Select Baronial/Aethelmearc scheduling things:
Sat, July 31st (after noon) thru a few days: Set up BMDL camp
Sunday, Aug 1st, 11am: Muster at BMDL camp to help with AE Royal setup

Sunday, Aug 8th, 10 am: Opening Ceremonies.  Muster at some earlier time (9am?) Not sure about this one.  
Sunday, Aug 8th, 11am-ish: His Excellency Byron is fighting in the 10-man Unbelt melee right after Opening Ceremonies, so come on out and support our Baron! Go team!
Sunday, Aug 8th, 6:30pm: Baronial Reception at AE Royal camp.  Court at ~7:30pm-ish, party continues til 9pm.  Food by Lady Zianna.
Sunday, Aug 9th, 9m: Bardic Circle in BMDL camp

Monday, Aug 9th, 8pm: Debatable Choir Concert, Performing Arts Pavilion
Monday, Aug 9th, 9pm: I Genesii Performance, Performing Arts Pavilion
Monday, Aug 9th, 7pm-midnight: Aethelmearc Party, AE Royal.

Wednesday, Aug 11th, 8am - 6pm: BMDL does gate guarding at AE Royal.  **Pls sign up for a one or two hour shift with Their Excellencies**
Wednesday, Aug 11th, 6pm: Aethelmearc Royal Court in the Barn

Sat, Aug 14th: AE Royal Camp teardown, volunteers welcome, no official BMDL muster
Sat 14th and/or Sun 15th: BMDL camp teardown

Other: The Debatable Lands is sponsoring a throw up at the Thrown Weapons range, time and date TBD. Contact Elss for more info.
Other: Their Excellencies will need retainers at various points during Pennsic (performances, Midnight Madness, etc).  **Contact Lady Elss or Lady Catriona (Alfie) to volunteer.**Pennsic schedules can be founf here: http://www.pennsicwar.org/penn39/directory.html under the activities section.
The Aethelmearc Royal Camp schedule can be found in a link at the bottom of this page: http://www.clanoldcastle.com/royal/pennsic.php. 
In Levitate et Caritate,
~Hilda, Seneschale
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