[SCA-BMDL] Viking Garb

Monica Cellio cellio at pobox.com
Tue Jan 5 20:30:56 EST 2010

I agree with Hrefna's assessment.  Another reason broaches in that 
position would be uncomfortable is that there are pins that run the length 
of the broach in the back (that's how they open and close).  Even if the 
broach shape matched the anatomy this reconstruction suggests it covers, 
the pin would get in the way, so the broach would sit out from the body. 

The support I have seen for trains comes from figurines where the women 
appear to be wearing long caftans.  A caftan is a more practical garment 
than the one shown; it has sleeves, rather than relying on rigging to stay 
in place, and it provides cover and warmth in addition to decoration.  The 
one here could fill some ceremonial role, perhaps, but I wonder about 
wearing it all day, every day, while going about one's affairs.

She'erah, channeling Ellisif

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