[SCA-BMDL] Agincourt

Achren2 at aol.com Achren2 at aol.com
Mon Oct 26 20:32:42 EDT 2009

On October 25 the New York Times published an article on some historians' 
reassessment of the Battle of Agincourt:

"........But Agincourt’s status as perhaps the greatest victory 
againstoverwhelming odds in military history — and a keystone of the Englishself-image —
 has been called into doubt by a group of historians in Britainand France 
who have painstakingly combed an array of military and taxrecords from that 
time and now take a skeptical view of the figureshanded down by medieval 
chroniclers. The historians haveconcluded that the English could not have been 
outnumbered by more thanabout two to one. And depending on how the math is 
carried out, Henrymay well have faced something closer to an even fight, said 
Anne Curry, a professor at the University of Southampton who is leading the 
study. ...."


It has a couple of nice illustrations.


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