[SCA-BMDL] BMDL Barony Meeting Wednesday September 10

Monica Cellio cellio at pobox.com
Thu Sep 4 22:34:42 EDT 2008

> but it is a good idea not 
> to clutter the announcements with calls for anyone interested in being the 
> Barony MOL, for example.

I didn't mean to imply that no one should make announcements; this
is a business meeting too.  But there's a big difference between
"the MOL is calling for a successor" and "I'm going to spend the next
3-5 minutes telling you what an MOL does".  And, just to be clear, I
picked MOL out of a hat; I'm not talking about any individual officer

If we can pick just a few offices/guilds to focus on, the ones that
will be most of interest to newcomers, and get through the routine
business as efficiently as possible, I think we'll all win.


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