[SCA-BMDL] BMDL Barony Meeting Wednesday September 10
Cara & Char
charb at mail.connecttime.net
Thu Sep 4 22:14:41 EDT 2008
I like She'erah's ideas. Some are already taken care of (e.g. we do not
have a Chancellor Minor to talk about kids' activities) but it is a good
idea not to clutter the announcements with calls for anyone interested in
being the Barony MOL, for example.
Helewys, do you have some flyers (and electronic advertising) that can be
used this coming week to publicize the meeting? We had talked about that
last year and getting more newcomers there would be important.
In Service,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Monica Cellio" <cellio at pobox.com>
To: "BMDL" <Sca-bmdl at lists.andrew.cmu.edu>
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: [SCA-BMDL] BMDL Barony Meeting Wednesday September 10
>> This is a special meeting as it is the newcomer
>> meeting and it is in garb. Guild heads and officers please bring an
>> example of what you do and be prepared to talk briefly.
> Please can we do this differently this year?
> We have a lot of officers and guilds. I think we've been overwhelming,
> or boring, most of the new people who show up at our September
> meetings. Our recruitment hasn't been very good; let's ask
> ourselves why that might be.
> No college student (our primary target at this meeting) is interested
> in heraldic commenting meetings, children's activities, and getting (or
> writing people in for) awards. None will be interested *at the first
> meeting* in becoming chirurgeons, running lists, writing articles for
> the newsletter, and so on. (Yes, we have newcomers to the barony who
> are not new to the SCA; they already know how to navigate.) I urge
> the officers and guild heads collectively to focus on the things that
> matter to SCA newcomers *now*; we have all year to fill in the rest
> if we don't chase them away on Wednesday.
> I think we should focus on the things newcomers can do *right now*
> -- fighting, dance, guild meetings at which beginner-level teaching
> will happen *this month*, etc. The more participatory, the better.
> Nothing is more boring than an hour of "hi, I'm the [office], I do
> [thing you can't do yet or don't care about], it's really great
> because [pitch], come talk to me after the meeting".
> Besides, the less time we spend lecturing, the more time we have
> to actually meet and talk individually with the folks who are
> checking us out. That's got to be more productive than anything
> any of us could say to the whole group, right?
> She'erah
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