[SCA-BMDL] cmu activities fair
Dmitriy Ryaboy
dvryaboy at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 12:55:27 EDT 2008
Here's the info I have:
Dear Dmitriy
I am happy to inform you that your organization, Society for Creative
has been approved for a space at the Fall Activities Fair, September
3, 2008 from
4:30pm to 6:30pm on CFA Lawn (Rain location: Wiegand Gym, UC).
Please check-in early (as early as 3:30 pm) for the Activities Fair at
the Student
Activities table, which will be marked with balloons. Your
organization will receive
instruction and the table assignment at the check-in table. If your
has not checked in by 4:45p.m., your table may be forfeited and given to an
organization on the waiting list.
I would like to remind you that you will not have access to electrical
outlets and
you may not bring a generator. If you choose to bring a
battery-operated stereo, we
ask that the volume not interfere with the conversations happening at
Please review the Activities Fair website at
http://www.cmu.edu/studentactivities/ActivitiesFair/ to review
expectations and tips
on how to have a successful Activities Fair. If you noted a request to be near
another organization, we will do our best to match groups' requests. If you are
willing to split a table, please inform me as soon as possible. Our
office would
like to include as many or our recognized groups as possible. Please note that
there can be no changes to table arrangements past Friday, August 29, 2008.
Thank you for your participation and I wish you a successful start to the spring
semester. If your organization has any questions, please feel free to
contact me.
Kaycee Palko
Coordinator of Student Activities
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 6:44 AM, Cara & Char <charb at mail.connecttime.net> wrote:
> Sir Dmitriy, one of your emails to us probably bounced since we never got
> detailed instructions on checking in. The CMU activities fair, though we
> recognize it's great importance, has not traditionally been something us
> working folk can attend. I'm cc'ing myself and Byron about this since he is
> off at 3pm today (we just found this out yesterday - he's working the early
> shift), but he's already at work with no garb etc. If you can contribute
> any time (such as walk over and pull up the local website or SCA website on
> your laptop assuming CMU campus has wireless), it would be wonderful. If
> there's a limited check-in that you miss and Byron can't do it, then that's
> okay.
> Thank you,
> Ariella
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dmitriy Ryaboy" <dvryaboy at gmail.com>
> To: "Cara & Char" <caram at pitt.edu>
> Cc: "Ashley Capps" <arcapps at gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 7:12 AM
> Subject: Re: cmu activities fair
>> Happy to help -- Rosalia, just let me know what to do.
>> -D
>> On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 7:08 AM, Cara & Char <charb at mail.connecttime.net>
>> wrote:
>>> Sir Dmitriy, thank you for offering! We do need your name and andrew
>>> account
>>> since our two CMU contacts both graduated recently. I will cc Rosalia
>>> (mka
>>> Ashley Capps) about this and she can let you know how that would work. We
>>> definitely are not asking you to be an Officer for the Barony but your
>>> andrew account is very helpful.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Ariella
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dmitriy Ryaboy" <dvryaboy at gmail.com>
>>> To: <caram at pitt.edu>
>>> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 6:02 AM
>>> Subject: cmu activities fair
>>>> Hi, I just looked at the BMDL archives and saw that you might need me
>>>> to register as an officer to get a table at the activities fair. I am
>>>> happy to lend my name (and andrew account) to the cause, though I
>>>> don't think I will have much time for actual officership.. Do you have
>>>> any details on what need to happen to get this going?
>>>> -Dmitriy
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