[SCA-BMDL] OT -- but related....

Hayeslip, Roxann Roxann.Hayeslip at Robot-rx.com
Thu Sep 6 13:52:12 EDT 2007

Greetings all from a local lurker -


I read with great wistfulness all the Pennsic posts, and wished mightily
that I had been able to go, but alas, the mundane world interfered.


However, in one of the posts, someone mentioned the importance of one's
camp bed - how it should be comfy, and up off the ground, and so on.
With that in mind, I am offering free to good homes three solid foam bed


The first two are twin-sized; the third is a king-size mattress. All are
of the normal thickness (around three or four inches), and have been
used as regular beds until recently by grown-ups. The coverings are
stained, but not with anything nasty, just through the normal aging of
the fabric. The coverings could be removed, and the foam recovered, or
the whole mattress could be covered by making a slipcase from a sheet.


If anyone is interested, please contact me off-list to discuss. I live
in McCandless Township, but could meet someone halfway or somewhere
mutually convenient.


Thanks to all -


Rocky Hayeslip

Software Upgrade Trainer

Application Release Management


McKesson Automation

500 Cranberry Woods Drive

Cranberry Township, PA 16066


  412.225.4174__ cell

  724.741.8913__ fax


Roxann.Hayeslip at McKesson.com

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