[SCA-BMDL] Niche events

Roana Devreux roana01 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 2 13:16:18 EST 2007

I agree with many of the sentiments already expressed
on the list, but also wanted to throw in my own two

The niche event can be an interesting way to learn a
little about something new.

OTOH, sometimes a niche event does, in fact, not
interest me: I didn't attend the Mongol event, for
instance, and I may decline to attend martial-only
events like War Collegia.

Sometimes I go to a niche event because I am in some
way helping with the event (kitchen, serving,
setup/cleanup, music, or the like), because I've been
tipped off that a friend will receive an award there,
or because friends are 'working the event' and I'd
like to hang out with them.

Sometimes a niche event is fun to attend -- even if
it's unrelated to my regular persona, as the Vetr
Things were -- because the niche event has a more
authentic feel to it: less of the random mish-mash of
clothing and activities from many times and places
that is the norm at 'standard' SCA events.  Sure, it's
still not a hardcore 'period experience' but it feels
*closer* when you don't have Bog dresses next to
Elizabethan gowns.

Just a few more thoughts to throw into the mix.

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