[SCA-BMDL] ISO BMDL Pennsic Campers

Clemente de Warrewyk warrewyk at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 15:59:40 EDT 2007

Greetings from the BMDL Pennsic Land Agent!

I am seeking the following gentles who have registered to camp with the BMDL
at Pennsic, but for whom I am lacking contact information.  I need tent
dimensions from these folks, as well as the date they plan to arrive at
Pennsic (if known).

Tristan Lenoir
Lara Sukhadrev
Bertram of Bearington (I realize he is not local)
Janice Rankin (and sons)

Please reply to me off-list at warrewyk at gmail.com.

In Service,
Clemente de Warrewyk
BMDL Pennsic Land Agent
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