[SCA-BMDL] Gate Guarding Sunday Aug. 5th

Cara & Char caram at pitt.edu
Sat Jul 21 21:53:39 EDT 2007

Greetings Good Gentles of the Barony Marche!
We have volunteered to guard the Kingdom Gate at Aethelmearc Royal for a day as is our Barony's tradition.  The day that has been chosen is the middle Sunday of War, August 5th.  (We also have Opening Ceremonies that morning and hold our Baronial Reception and Court at AE Royal that night.)  We need people to volunteer for one hour shifts that day from 10-7pm (the earliest shift of 9-10am is taken already as well as a few others).  This is a fun yet important service that generally involves holding a weapon of your choice (or one provided by us if you need) while standing just under the AE Gate's tent out of the sun. Anyone can do it and you can volunteer with a partner if you prefer to guard together.  Please give our Kingdom an hour of your time this Pennsic and have fun doing it!  Contact us to be put on the schedule at caram at pitt.edu or 724 933 4661.  Thank you and good luck in Pennsic preparations!
In Service,
Byron and Ariella
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