[SCA-BMDL] Crash space for the Academy of St. Julian

Clemente de Warrewyk warrewyk at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 09:18:46 EST 2007

Greetings everyone,

There will be a gentle from Northshield flying in for the Academy of St.
Julian.  He is unfamiliar with the Pittsburgh area and needs crash space and
a ride from the airport.  While he could certainly stay with me, I'd have to
put him on an air mattress on the floor.  If there is anyone who can provide
more comfortable accommodation, please email me off-list (warrewyk at gmail.com)
and I will send you his contact information.

Also, if there is anyone who would be willing to pick him up at the airport,
please let me know.  I do not have his flight details yet, but he told me
he'd likely be flying in on Friday evening, February 16th (the day before
the event).

Many thanks,
Clemente de Warrewyk
autocrat, Academy of St. Julian
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