[SCA-BMDL] Baronial Court Report BMDL 12th Night Jan 7 AS 41
Ben Cogan
donnghaile at gmail.com
Sat Jan 20 00:04:14 EST 2007
The report of the court of Their Excellencies Alonzio and Tatyana Baron and
Baroness of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands held at Baronial 12th
night on the 7th day of January Anno Societatus 41 modernly 2007, Reporting
herald Brandubh O'Donnghaile.
Their Excellencies invited Lucetta di Cosimo into Their court. Lucetta had
served as Baroness' Bard and this day conducted a bardic circle to determine
her successor. The winner Kazi Enkazi was called forward and invested with
the baldric of the Baroness Bard.
Sasha Gray was called forward to speak as the rapier mashall of the day.
Sasha conducted a tournament in which Illadore de Bedegrayne was the victor,
and William Paris claimed the honors of second place.
Their Excellencies called Kazi Enkazi back into the court. Kazi had held a
pillow boffer tourney and awarded prizes to all who fought, first prize to
Jake, 2nd to Miranda, 3rd Kenneth, and most chivalrous to Robert.
Arianna of Wynthrop desired a moment in Their Excellencies' court to inform
the populace of the new issue of the Dark Pages.
Arthurus was called inthe the court and given a Gold Comet for his
helpfulness at events, always offering his assistance. Scroll by Doubravka
z Postoloprt.
Their Excellencies next called Helewys Spynere before them and gave her Gold
Comet for her service to the barony as Chatelaine, Recording Secretary and
Troll, scroll by Aidan ni Lier.
The Baron and Baroness bid Hrefna inn heppna Thorgrimsdottir to attend them
and gave her a Gold Comet for her work as a scribe, teacher and Chronicler,
promissory scroll by Aidan ni Lier.
Paul of Cour d'Or was called in to court and given a Silver Comet for his
contributions to dance, the consort and choir, scroll by Aidan ni Lier.
Their Excellencies had business with Illadore de Bedegrayne and called her
into Their court. They named Illadore a Moonstone of the Barony and
presented her with a scroll by the hands of Hrefna inn heppna and Morgen of
Illadore was bid stay a while in the court as Their Excellencies had further
business with her. Michael Alewright was called forward to perform his poem
in farewell tribute to Illadore.
Their Excellencies next called Fredeburg von Katzenellenbogen into Their
court and did witness the change of the Seneschalate from Illadore to
Saskai van Ouwater was invited into the court to announce the proceeds of
the silent auction and thank all who gave goods or moneys to the auction.
Their Excellencies invited Anlaith ingen Trena to pass out the cakes to
determine the Lord and Lady of Misrule. Meanwhile the Baron and Baroness
spoke to the populace regarding the health of some members of the Barony.
They remarked upon Giovanni di Lupo who had been in a serious car accident
some weeks before and was in attendance this day with the assistance of his
cane, and also upon the health of Myfawnwy ferch Rhiannon, who was unable to
attend the event due to a slipped disc in her back, and was currently at the
hospital awaiting surgery.
As only one coin was found in the cake, by Lucetta di Cosimo she was able to
choose her own consort and appointed Constantinos Akropolites to be her
consort by right of will, whether he chose to or not.
During the confusion of the selection of Lord and Lady of Misrule, Their
Excellencies snuck out, there being no further business, and no further
Excellencies, the court was closed.
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