[SCA-BMDL] Battle of Hastings, live coverage

Christine Hutson kris_gilibari at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 12 12:32:02 EDT 2006

For those on the fencing e-mail lists, sorry, this
isn't fencing-related, though it sure is

I found this on the SCAtoday website, and thought I
would share it with those who don't read that site. 
The BBC is having live internet coverage of a
re-enactment of the Battle of Hastings this weekend. 
You have to have Realplayer (which is free) on your
computer to see the show, and this is the site that
you need to watch for times and the actual video link:

 (http and all that first)

The only boring part is that we already know who

Mistress Kris Gilibari

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