[SCA-BMDL] Rides to fencing/fighting practice

Christine Hutson kris_gilibari at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 22 12:21:14 EST 2006


I am posting this in hopes that someone can help me
find a solution to a tranportation problem.  I fence,
and I am usually looking for a ride to BMDL fencing
practice most Sundays; I am always riding with others
because I am not supposed to drive (faulty vision),
and so this is not a temporary situation.  I normally
post a message every week/weekend to find a ride, but
what I really need to do is get in touch with someone
who usually attends fighting and/or fencing practice
each week, and just make an arrangement with that
person to ride with them regularly (rather than trying
to make arrangements each week, which is bothersome
for me and others).  Is there anyone here who would be
willing to make such an arrangement?  I live in
Greenfield, which is kind of down the road from
Squirrel Hill.  The problem is, it isn't "on the way"
for anyone going to practice (that I am aware of). 
But if there is someone who doesn't mind helping me
out with a regular ride, I would really appreciate
that.  It would be nice to be able to commit to
practices, rather than wondering whether or not I'll
make it from one week to the next due to lack of a
ride.  Please contact me off-list if you can help me
with this.

Mistress Kris Gilibari

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