[SCA-BMDL] July 27th Informational Meeting regarding the BMDL and the WV Northern Panhandle Counties

Philip Edward Lewis flip+ at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Jun 23 13:55:32 EDT 2006

"Black Paladin" <owaru at myfamily.org> writes:
> Has anyone approached the Society Seneschal about this?
I don't know about you, but if I were S.S. I'd want to be presented
with the following:
 zips xxxxx - yyyyy are not part of any groups and would like to join
 our group. Our group has said it's ok, and all we need now is your

Rather than: 
 zips xxxxx - yyyyy are not part of any groups. We're not sure if the
 members of either group wants the union, but we thought we'd ask so
 we can go about the crud needed to find out, and then bother you
 again in a few months to make it official.

If the S.S. is a reasonable person, and sees that there is
support... it should be a no brainer. If there is support and the
S.S. says no, then the S.S. is a no brainer. 

May no harm befall you,
Ich habe keine Ahnung was das bedeutet, oder vielleicht doch?

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