[SCA-BMDL] Steak Meeting

Joyce and Jeff kaoz at zoominternet.net
Tue Jun 6 19:45:13 EDT 2006

Welcome Steltonwald & Friends of Steltonwald

The June 21 meeting of the Canton of Steltonwald will be held at our traditional Shelter at Brady's Run Park. Shelter 15 /7   (Just down from the damn, where the Maple Syrup Demo happens) from 5pm to ? Hot steaks happen around 6pm.

The rules are:

1.  You tell me you are coming and we have a big a** steak and hot coals ready to cook for you. If you don't tell me you get hot dogs and you watch everyone else eat their side of cow. Be sure to tell mention how many steak eaters you will bring with you.  We will have hot dogs for kids, people who hate steak, people who need more meat and procrastinators. 

2.  You bring a dish to share if you know what you are bringing post it to the list so we won't have 12.  This is not required just bring good eats.

3.  We have paper plates, plastic ware, and napkins.

4.  You provide your own beverages the park is discreetly damp. 

5.  The meeting follows and if you eat with us you get sucked into a brief business meeting.


Bring bug Spray, a comfortable chair, a jacket, duct tape (it is the SCA), a bottle opener (it is Steltonwald) and an empty belly.


They have messy fun.
The park has a creek, and mud and running room.  Towels and spare clothes are a necessity. Pets must be on a  leash and children must be monitored. 
Balls Frisbees and something to catch minnows & crayfish can be fun. 
No organized activities are planned at this time.



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