[SCA-BMDL] To all Brewers in AEthelmearc

Iain mac'a Bhaird iainmacabhaird at tigerfire.net
Tue Jan 3 13:49:57 EST 2006

I apologize for cross-posting and to those who may see this message more 
than once, but I wanted to get the news out:

A new list has been created for the brewers, vintners, mazers, et al across 
our Kingdom to gather and discuss their craft.  Hopefully we can also use 
it to coordinate our efforts in running events, classes and guilds and 
otherwise promote our craft and learn from each other.

You may visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AEbrewers/ for more info and to 
sign up.

Please feel free to forward this to other groups and individuals who may be 

In Service,

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