[SCA-BMDL] A&S Night Thank Yous

Baron Dur of Hidden Mountain baron-dur at lazerlink.com
Fri Apr 21 19:38:40 EDT 2006

On 4/19/06 3:41 PM, "Jennifer Strobel" <jstrobel at psc.edu> wrote:

> Firstly, a big THANK YOU to Silence de Cherbourg for coming and doing the
> workshop.  It was a lot of fun and very informative.  I would also like to
> thank the following folks for attending and contributing to the
> discussion:
> Durr al-jabal al-makhfi
> Michael Alewrite
> Cadell Blaidd du
> Kieran MacRae
> Johann Prager
> Melodia
> Edmundo di Monreale
> Shaune
> Right now i'm hoping to have a Brewing Demo for next month's A&S Night.  I
> will keep everyone updated.
> Odriana
> "Do not dismiss the dish saying that it is just, simply food. The blessed
> thing is an entire civilization in itself!"
> - Abdulhak Sinasi

Bismallah Assalam O Alykum Wa Ramatullah Wa Barakatuh

We were enthralled by the sound advice of Silence!  Huzzah!

Salaam, Mukhtar
Mukhtar durr al-jabal al-mukhfi        http://tinyurl.com/dbp63
<Baron Dur of Hidden Mountain>                    Member # 02933
 He who has daughters is always a shepherd.  Spanish Proverb

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